Jordan & Israel

10 Nights ~ 11 Days Jordan & Israel [Leap Integrated] [A/P]

11 Days of Biblical experience, from Amman to Tel Avaiv. Accommodation plan - Amman [2 Nights] Galilee [3 Nights], Dead Sea [2 Nights] & Jerusalem [3 Nights]. The tour starts of at Amman, Jordan, then crossing the Jordan river into the Galilee, gathering pace and then slowing down at the Dead Sea area and again gathering intense energies through Shiloh culminating in a ecstatic finish at Jerusalem

Arrival Port


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Tel Aviv
Countries Covered
Jordan & Israel

11 Days of Biblical Experience in Jordan & Israel

Tour Overview

Pilgrimage | Church Groups

  • Embark on a sacred journey through Jordan & Israel.
  • This tour, named as "The Bible lands tour" starts in Amman and moves to the Galilee, then travels south to Dead Sea and culminates in Jerusalem.
  • Accommodation plan: 2N Amman, 3N Galilee, 2N Jericho, 3N Bethlehem.
  • Madaba, Mount Nebo, Mekawer and Jabbok river are visited in Jordan. [2 nights]
  • In the Galilee area the tour covers Haifa, Carmel hills, Nazareth, Cana, Mt Tabor and Churches around the Sea of the Galilee. [3 nights]
  • From the Galilee the tour moves to the Jordan valley traveling down to Ein Bokek at the southern shores of Dead Sea. [2 nights]
  • Bit Shean, Baptism site, Jericho, Qumran Caves, Ein Gedi, Masada & Dead Sea are the major sites visited in this section of the tour.
  • From the Salt Valley the tour moves up the Judean hills to reach Jerusalem [3 nights].
  • The final leg of the tour is the most intensive experience for the believer; It covers Judea, parts of Samaria and all of Jerusalem.
  • In this section, the tour visits Beit El, Tel Shiloh, All of Jerusalem, City of David, Garden Tomb, Bethlehem & Jaffa.
  • High Value Tours included:  Nazareth Village, Magdala, Tel Shiloh, City of David, Masada, Western Wall Tunnels

11 Days of Biblical Experience in Jordan & Israel

Day wise program structure. Transfers less than 20 minutes not indicated.

  • Mid day arrival in Amman.
  • Transfer to the Madaba.
  • Lunch at Madaba. (Traditional buffet)
  • Lunch. [South Asian Buffet]
  • Visit the St George Church at Madaba to view the ancient mosaic of the map of Jerusalem.
  • Transfer to hotel in Amman. (1 hour, 15 minutes)
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Lunch & Dinner
  • Transfer to Mt Nebo. (45 minutes)
  • Tour of the memorial of Moses.
  • Transfer to Mukawir. (1 hour)
  • Visit the fort of Machaerus at Mukawir, the site of the beheading of John the Baptist.
  • Transfer to Jerash. (1 hour, 20 minutes)
  • Lunch. [Traditional Lebanese Ouzi]
  • Jabbok River, the site of the Jacob's crossing to Canaan.  It is also believed to be the the site of Jacob's struggle with God in a human form till dawn, which eventually led to Jacob to be named Israel.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Transfer to Jordan river border crossing(Sheikh Hussein Bridge). (2 hours)
  • Transfer to Beit Shean.
  • Transfer to Beit Shean National Park, site of the martyrdom of King Saul and his sons.
  • Lunch at Poriya, overlooking Sea of the Galilee.(30 minutes)
  • Transfer to Mt Arbel, Tiberias. (40 minutes)
  • Mount Arbel National Park
  • Transfer to Hotel
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Transfer to Haifa.
  • View the spectacular Bahai Gardens, considered to be an modern architectural marvel.
  • Short visit to Elijah's cave at the chapel of Stella Marris.
  • Transfer to the Dalyat el Carmel.
  • Visit the Carmelite sanctuary of  Muhrakha - the Site of Elijah's battle with the prophets of Ba’al.  View the spectacular Jezreel valley from the Monastery.
  • Transfer to Nazareth.
  • Lunch & Tour of Nazareth Village.
  • Visit Nazareth Basilica of annunciation.  St Joseph's church & Jesus' synagogue.
  • Mt Precipice.
  • Transfer to Cana.
  • Church of the wedding miracle at Cana.
  • Transfer to the hotel in the Tiberias.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Tour of the Galilee Churches: Mt of Beatitudes, the site of Jesus’s sermon on the mount.
  • Proceed to visit Capernaum (Kfar Nahum) the city of Jesus and the site of Jesus’s ministry.  The place of origin of healing and deliverance, the secrets of which were taught by Jesus.
  • Visit Tabga, the site of the Jesus's miracle of the multiplication of bread loaves and fish to feed 5000 people.
  • Short visit to Peter’s house (Primacy of Peter).
  • Slow, short boat ride in the Galilee on a replica of ancient Galilean boats.
  • Lunch. (St Peter's fish lunch at the shores of the Sea of the Galilee)
  • Tour of Magdala - Recently excavated archeological site of the first century city of Mary Magdalene.
  • Visit the exquisite Boat Chapel complex, a marvel of modern architecture.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Transfer to the sanctuary of Tabor.
  • Ride up the Tabor hill in a mini van to visit the magnificent Basilica of Transfiguration.
  • Transfer to Qasr Al Yahud - The Baptism site at Jordan river.  It is widely believed that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist at this site on the eastern bank.
  • Ascend Mt Temptation [2 way cable car].
  • Lunch.  (Open Buffet).
  • Jericho, the lowest city on earth, is also considered to be the oldest city of human civilization - visit the Sycamore tree & Zacchaeus' House.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Early morning visit Masada national park [2 way cable car].   Masada tells the incredible story of  the Jewish resistance to and martyrdom at the hands of the Roman legions.
  • Transfer to Ein Gedi National Park –  Site of David’s hideaway from Saul.
  • Lunch at Ein Bokek. (Local barbecue)
  • Transfer to Qumran. Tour Qumran Caves - The site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls.
  • Second afternoon at Dead Sea, soak in the mineral rich waters and experience the Dead sea float.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Fore noon tour of Samaria.  Transfer to Bet El.
  • Bet El -site of Jacob's dream of the ladder.
  • Transfer to Tel Shiloh.
  • Detailed tour of Ancient Shiloh - site of Joshua's Tabernacles, which is believed to have stood here for 369 years.
  • Transfer to Jerusalem.
  • Lunch. (Open Buffet)
  • Tour of Mt Olives.  View the iconic Dome of the Rock from Mt Olives.
  • Tour the sanctuary of Pater Noster where The Lord's Prayer is embedded in the walls in numerous languages.
  • Palm Sunday Road - view from below only, the steep decent being perilous.
  • Visit the Basilica at Gethsemane - Church of All Nations and the ancient Olive Garden.
  • Tour of Garden Tomb, widely accepted as the site of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection.
  • Communion at the Garden Tomb.
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Mt Zion- Upper room & David’s Tomb.
  • Walk down to Saint Peter at Gallicantu.
  • Detailed tour of City of David covering Hezikiel Tunnels & Siloam Pools.
  • Tour of the Davidson Center - Southern Steps &  Southern Wall.  Walk the Ophel Path,  view the “Mikveh” Jewish ritual purification bath-pools.
  • Transfer to Bethlehem (30 minutes).
  • Lunch.  Traditional Palestinian barbecue.
  • Shepherds’ field.
  • Basilica of Nativity & Manger Square.
  • Transfer to the hotel in Jerusalem (30 minutes).
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Old City of Jerusalem via Lions' gate.  Bethesda Pools - St Anne's, Chapel of Flagellation.  Chapel of Condemnation, continuing Via Dolorosa to Calvary.
  • Western Wall complex.
  • Western wall Tunnels - proximity tour to the Holy of Holies.
  • Dome of the Rock.
  • Transfer to Jaffa.
  • Farewell Lunch at Jaffa.  (Typical Mediterranean salads  & seafood grill)
  • St Peters Church, the site of the healing of Tabitha.
  • Short tour of Jaffa.
  • Transfer to the hotel in Jerusalem. (1 hour 10 minutes)
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛
Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
  • Transfer to TLV Airport.  (35 minutes)
Accomodation 🏨
Meals 🍛

Tour Map & Images

Glimpses from the Tour

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High value tours, activities & attractions

Tour Highlights

  • Masada

    "Masada is a rugged natural fortress, of majestic beauty, in the Judaean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. It is a symbol of the ancient kingdom of Israel, its violent destruction and the last stand of Jewish patriots in the face of the Roman army, in 73 A.D. It was built as a palace complex, in the classic style of the early Roman Empire, by Herod the Great, King of Judaea, (reigned 37 – 4 B.C.). The camps, fortifications and attack ramp that encircle the monument constitute the most complete Roman siege works surviving to the present day." https://whc.unesco.org/en/licenses/6
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  • The Western Wall Tunnel

    "The excavation took over 20 years under very difficult conditions while archeological finds that can only be described as ‘awesome’ were uncovered. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation was assigned the task of continuing this project and bringing it to the world. With painstaking care, taking various religious, tourist, archeological, security and other considerations into account, and with Halachic (religious law) and scientific oversight, the Foundation continued with the excavation project, centimeter by centimeter, in order to uncover Jerusalem in all its former glory. Beautiful ornaments were found – archeological finds that were hugely important in understanding the city’s history. And a “time tunnel” was created taking us back into Jerusalem’s glory days."
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  • Magdala

    "As archaeologists continued to dig, they discovered an entire first century Jewish town lying just below the surface. With only 10% of the archaeology uncovered, the hometown of Mary Magdalene already provides pilgrims an authentic location to walk where Jesus taught and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers. Magdala is a unique Holy Land site with a first century city where the Jewish residents gathered in a synagogue where Jesus visited and taught."
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  • City of David

    "In this guided tour, you will walk in the footsteps of the kings and prophets, through underground passageways and in the waters of the Siloam tunnel (Hezekiah’s tunnel) by flashlight. Join a magical and mysterious journey among ancient shafts, walls and fortifications of the City of David – the place where it all began. As part of the tour, you will visit the spring presentation – where you can feel the story of the Shiloach tunnel in an exciting 3D display that will draw you into the past, just before entering the water system. For those walking in the wet route – bring suitable shoes for walking in water and a change of clothes."
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  • Mt Temptation by Cable Car

    "Welcome to the Jericho Cable Car, an extraordinary attraction that promises an unforgettable experience! Soar above the ancient Jericho to the Mount of Temptation and take in breathtaking views of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. Our car system ensures a safe and comfortable ride for visitors of all ages. Enjoy the cultural and historical significance of the region, with easy access to the Monastery of Temptation and the interesting Temptation Caves. Whether you seek adventure, spirituality, or simply wish to marvel at nature's beauty, the Jericho Cable Car is your gateway to an extraordinary journey."
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  • Nazareth Village

    "Set on the outskirts of old Nazareth, the Nazareth Village is built on ancient agricultural land that boasts the area’s last remaining first-century wine press. The original farm has been restored with its ancient wine press, terraces, irrigation system and stone quarry, and exact replicas of first-century houses, a synagogue, a watchtower, mikveh and olive presses have been carefully constructed using the original building methods and materials."
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  • Tour of Ancient Shiloh

    This is the place where, starting from the time when Joshua Ben Nun led the Jewish People, the Tabernacle stood for 369 years; the place where the tribal inheritances were divided among the tribes. Here the Tu b’Av festival of love celebrations took place, and the tribes were reunited. Here is where Elkana came, “to worship and offer sacrifices to God in Shiloh,” and this is where Hannah prayed for a son. Her prayer was answered. Samuel was born and Hannah brought him here, where he grew up to be a prophet and a leader. Shiloh was also the home of Ahiya the Shilonite, who prophesied to Jeroboam the son of Nebat, about the division of the kingdom of the House of David after King Solomon’s reign, and about the exile of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
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Tour FAQs

Popular queries
  • Adult passengers from most countries.
  • Minors must be accompanied by an immediate relative/guardian.
  • Israel is safer than most places in the world.
  • Stop watching the TV.
  • Yes, all credit cards are accepted in Jordan and Israel.
  • Please check with your service provider too.
  • Yes, it could be done separately for each country; please write to us to know more.
  • It will be cheaper and easier to purchase it from your country as a single policy.
  • Yes, they are, and it is preferred, because your insurance company is liable to the laws of your country, while local Israeli insurers are not.
  • Cash could be carried, but currently it is limited to NIS 12,000 which is about $3250 at an exchange rate of  US$ 1= NIS 3.6.
  • Passengers carrying currencies whose total value exceeds the above amount are required by Israeli law to make a declaration with the customs at the port of entry.
  • The cost of a tour package is a function of various parameters; viz, class of accommodation, period of travel, meal plan etc.
  • Please make a booking and we will send a price offer for your consideration.

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Jordan & Israel

10 Nights ~ 11 Days Jordan & Israel [Leap Integrated] [A/P]

11 Days of Biblical Experience in Jordan & Israel

Pilgrimage | Church Groups

  • Embark on a sacred journey through Jordan & Israel.
  • This tour, named as "The Bible lands tour" starts in Amman and moves to the Galilee, then travels south to Dead Sea and culminates in Jerusalem.
  • Accommodation plan: 2N Amman, 3N Galilee, 2N Jericho, 3N Bethlehem.
  • Madaba, Mount Nebo, Mekawer and Jabbok river are visited in Jordan. [2 nights]
  • In the Galilee area the tour covers Haifa, Carmel hills, Nazareth, Cana, Mt Tabor and Churches around the Sea of the Galilee. [3 nights]
  • From the Galilee the tour moves to the Jordan valley traveling down to Ein Bokek at the southern shores of Dead Sea. [2 nights]
  • Bit Shean, Baptism site, Jericho, Qumran Caves, Ein Gedi, Masada & Dead Sea are the major sites visited in this section of the tour.
  • From the Salt Valley the tour moves up the Judean hills to reach Jerusalem [3 nights].
  • The final leg of the tour is the most intensive experience for the believer; It covers Judea, parts of Samaria and all of Jerusalem.
  • In this section, the tour visits Beit El, Tel Shiloh, All of Jerusalem, City of David, Garden Tomb, Bethlehem & Jaffa.
  • High Value Tours included:  Nazareth Village, Magdala, Tel Shiloh, City of David, Masada, Western Wall Tunnels

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